Welcome Back 2024-2025

Welcome back, Broken Arrow! We're excited to kick off the new year, and our teachers and staff are ready to welcome every student as they step through our doors. 

Our theme this year is HERE WE GROW.

Below is a list of resources for families, with helpful information as students and families get ready for a successful start to the year!

floral green image with words %22here we grow%22

Here's a checklist we've put together for you to be ready for the first day of school!

  • Login to Skyward - click here - and complete the Online Verification Forms (highlighted in green). 
    • This includes important permissions, such as iPad agreement, medication permission, photo release, emergency contacts, etc.
    • It will take you about 5 minutes to complete.
    • Needs to be completed for each student.
  • Add the district calendar to your home calendar - dates for no school/early dismissal - click here.
  • Apply for free or reduced cost meals (optional)
    • This yearly application determines whether your family not only qualifies for free/reduced meals, but also free/reduced bus fees and educational fees.
    • This can be done as part of the Online Verification Forms on Skyward, or you can click here to read more.
  • Make arrangements for how your student will get to/from school.
    • Bus transportation is run by D.S. Bus Lines. Register here.
    • All before/after school options are privately-run. The school/district does not offer any before/after school programs.
    • JCPRD Out of School Time - meets at Broken Arrow before & after school
    • La Petite on SMP - transportation provided to & from Broken Arrow
    • Dandelions & Mud Puddles - 913-745-4000 - transportation provided to & from Broken Arrow
    • Dragon's Edge After School Care - transportation provided from Broken Arrow
  • School supplies
    • Click Here for grade level supply list
    • We have a generous amount of school supplies available - if you could benefit from assistance please contact our social worker Alyssa Rogers at alyssarogers@smsd.org
    • Short on time this summer? You can order a prepackaged box of school supplies through School Tool Box! Each supply box matches the Broken Arrow supply lists, but you can adjust the boxes as needed (to remove items you may already have or add extras). Plus, a portion of the proceeds will go back to our PTA!
  • Save the school office phone number to your contact list - 913-993-2300
    • Any time your caller ID says 913-993-**** you are being called from a SMSD number.
    • Any time your caller ID says 913-993-23** you are being called from inside Broken Arrow. Please prioritize being able to pick up these calls, as you're able.
  • Save the school attendance line to your contact list - 913-993-2388 
    • Please communicate all absences to this number only - not to the office main line and not directly to teachers.
    • NEW this year! Report student absences online - click here for directions
  • Your student's teacher assignment was posted on last year's quarter 4 grade card. This can be found on Skyward.
  • Pay student fees. 
    • Payment in total is due by the end of the year, so if you need to pay in increments, no problem! You can also wait to see if you qualify for free/reduced meals, which would also qualify you for free/reduced school fees. You can also pay in person at the BA office by cash or check.



If you need to enroll a new student...

  • New student enrollment in Shawnee Mission School District  Please be prepared to provide the following documents with your enrollment application:

    • Birth Certificate
    • Proof of Residence (current lease or mortgage statement AND two current utility bills)
    • Immunization Record
    • Physical Examination (students 8 years and younger)
    • Parent Photo ID